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This year has been a milestone year. Last year of high school. Last year of Middle School. Last year of a lot.

My daughter just graduated high school this past weekend. An emotional ride it has been. I sent her off to her last year of childhood and welcomed her into the first day in this new chapter of her life called adulthood.

You always see and hear of how emotional it is for your child to graduate. Go off into the world, all on their own. Seeing it and hearing, just doesn't quite prepare you for it. You know it is coming. It is no surprise. It comes faster than you think it will but, it arrives and you are still surprised that it has finally arrived.

You start to remember everything. The little things. The big things. Did I teach them everything they will need to know? Did I prepare them sufficiently? Will they survive on their own?! The answers...No....Hopefully....Gosh I hope so!

Truthfully, you can't teach them everything they will need to know. Some things you learn by experience and should learn by experience.

Truthfully, you can only prepare them for so much. Every day is different. They'll never experience things the same way that you did.

Will they survive....we all hope they will just as our parents hoped we would!

I just have to keep reminding myself, she'll come back. She'll still ask for advice. She'll fall, I'll be there to help her up. The book is not finished being written. It's just one more chapter done.

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