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New Beginnings....

So here it is....a new beginning. Beginning of something new. Beginning of something different. Beginning of not a new me but, tuning up the me that has always been here.

Sometimes I think that we go through life as who we are supposed to be and life happens....things happen. It changes you. You slowly begin to change. Adapting....Surviving.

I've always thought of myself as Individual. Unique. Strong-Willed. I've never been one to want to rock a boat or make waves. I've never been one to lead. I've loved to make people happy.

As I have gotten older, I've begun to question, am I still Individual? Unique? Strong-Willed? The only answer I come up with is....Kind of. I'm still mostly my individual me. Mostly my Unique me. A Strong-willed me? Slightly.

It's easier to fade to the background. Make sure you don't get noticed. It's easier to stay in the background to not rock the boat or make waves.

A lot of milestones for 2021....age, graduations. You realize that your reasons for moving forward are getting older. Growing up. Leaving the nest. Spreading their wings and not wanting to do everything with mom. It's made me think....what do I do when they are all grown up? They're not the reason I lost myself. They are the reason that I am who I am today. I've grown too. Together, we all have grown.

So how do I get back to being Individual? Unique? Strong-willed? Easy....I'll never be that same individual....same unique....same strong-willed. I've grown with them. I am an upgraded individual me. An upgraded unique me. An upgraded strong-willed me. I never lost myself. I grew into an upgraded me. It's just time to let the upgraded me meet the world and the world meet me....Hello world, I'm here. ~Belia

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